So everything is going horrible! Trump got bad midterms results! China is crumbling/paper economy/bubble. Bitcoin is crumbling/paper whatever/bubble. Terrible tech sales. NVDA graphics cards are crap. Apple is selling so few iPhones. Trump is crazy. Civil unrest. Kavanaugh. Blah blah blah blah blah. I’m here to tell you none of this matters. It’s all manipulation, […]
Archive | Finance

A couple of whiles ago, I answered a question on XIV and SVXY. The question was: is XIV the most dangerous investment in the world? In it, I said I would never hold any of them long-term and probably not even short-term neither. In it, I stated that eventually, one day, XIV and SVXY would […]
If you’ve been waiting for a good moment to buy Bitcoins…
… then that good moment is now. Sorry I haven’t posted much recently. I’ve been busy with stuff, mainly, a clingy ex and bitcoins. I actually expected bitcoins to crash a bit early into the new year. Big banks and funds are not going to give away and abandon their monopoly for free. I think […]

How Profitable is Genesis-Mining?
Genesis-Mining is usually sold out 72h after listing new bitcoin mining. I believe it will be sold out soon after Black Friday. So hurry!! My first article on Genesis-Mining attracted a fair bit of attention. In it, I posited that: Cloud mining was generally a bad idea, but Genesis-Mining’s open-ended bitcoins contracts are an exception. […]

Genesis Mining: A Mathematical Approach
43I’ve spent the last couple of weeks being obsessed with bitcoins and, more generally, cryptocurrencies. This specific post is about cloud cryptomining, or simply cloud mining, and more specifically, Genesis Mining. If you want to obtain cryptocurrencies, such as bitcoin, you have two options: buy or mine it. Buying is usually mildly difficult and might […]

Andrew Left and Shopify
So I receive an interesting question on Andrew Left’s latest rant against Shopify. Hey dude, would you be able to write a post about what Andrew Left does? I’m curious because is what he does actually legal? Isn’t that a blatant form of market manipulation by using your influence to affect share prices? I had […]

Roku is crashing? I am SHOCKED!
I received a rather lengthy e-mail yesterday from someone who was somehow desperately in love with his Roku. To say that he disagreed with my last article would be an understatement. Disclaimer: I’ve never used a Roku in my life. I’ve never even seen a Roku in my life. I think the idea is dumb […]
Selling calls on calls?
Someone sent me an e-mail today, linking me to an interesting question on /r/wallstreetbets. Here it is: The answer to that question is that you are indeed allowed to sell calls on your calls. Before we go on, let us sum this (rather advanced) situation. Given a certain stock that we will call ABC inc. […]
SnapChat is crashing? I NEVER SAW THIS COMING!!!
So I’ve already written on Snapchat a couple of times now because very frankly, giving a $30B valuation to what is essentially a profitless app is absolutely asinine. When the top argument of your prospectus is how you can use “lenses” to promote movies, you know your business shouldn’t have passed the $1B market cap. […]
Is XIV the most dangerous investment in the world?
Hey Frank, I was reading an article and it said XIV was the most dangerous investment in the world and that we shouldn’t buy it since volatility has been so low for so long. I’ve looked at the graph and this ETF is up nearly 600% in the past five years. With the economy doing […]